• Leading the AI and IoT Future

    MeshWorks Wireless is at the forefront of digital innovation. We combine Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the Internet of Things (IoT) to create solutions for a better future. Our focus is on efficiency, sustainability, and global impact.

MeshWorks Wireless: Building a Better Future

We envision cities using SensUrban's Digital Twin Framework for smarter urban planning. We see healthcare systems benefiting from Seemoto's temperature monitoring solutions. We imagine buildings and homes, optimized by FeelPlace and Fourdeg, that are both comfortable and energy-efficient.

Our Vision for Tomorrow

Our commitment is to bring AI and IoT together for a brighter, sustainable future. We believe in using technology to make the most of our resources and to promote sustainability around the world.

Collaborate with Us

We invite you to join us in this global mission. Contact MeshWorks Wireless Oy to share ideas, ask questions, or explore partnership opportunities. Together, we can use technology to make a positive difference.

For more information or to get in touch, please use the contact form below or reach out using the provided contact details.